Flutter No devices found with name or id matching 'chrome' on Windows 10


I installed Flutter beta version using official guide.
Enabled web:

 flutter channel beta
 flutter upgrade
 flutter config --enable-web

The result is:

Setting "enable-web" value to "true".

You may need to restart any open editors for them to read new settings.

The result of flutter devices command:

>flutter devices
1 connected device:

Web Server • web-server • web-javascript • Flutter Tools

The official guide points that there should be two devices:

Chrome     • chrome     • web-javascript • Google Chrome 78.0.3904.108
Web Server • web-server • web-javascript • Flutter Tools

I created sample app from the official guide and tried to build it:

 flutter create myapp
 cd myapp
 flutter run -d chrome

The result is:

No devices found with name or id matching 'chrome'

Latest Google Chrome is installed. I have read on github the problem could be solved by setting environment variable CHROME_EXECUTABLE. I tried to set it using path to chrome.exe and path to folder containing chrome.exe with same unsuccessful result.

I executed flutter doctor -v:

[X] Chrome - develop for the web (Cannot find chrome executable at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe")
    ! "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" is not executable.

I thought the problem could be in path with spaces but setting different path in CHROME_EXECUTABLE does not solve the problem.

[X] Chrome - develop for the web (Cannot find chrome executable at "D:\Portable\Chromium\chrome-win\chrome.exe")
    ! "D:\Portable\Chromium\chrome-win\chrome.exe" is not executable.

Does anybody have any idea?


As OP suggested I am listing my comments from above, as an answer. I believe the portable chrome usage is new w.r.t flutter and suspect this could be useful for others instead of deleting the question.

Some of the options you can try in Windows 10 are.

  1. Run the refreshenv command in the commanda prompt.
  2. Make sure to have correct flutter installation in your path.
  3. Remove the double quotes " " around the path string.

In this case the 3rd option solved the issue.👍

Answered By – Abhilash Chandran

Answer Checked By – David Marino (FlutterFixes Volunteer)

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