CORS related errors when getting Channel API client script

Issue I’m currently experimenting with a Google App Engine/Go + Polymer.dart website at The problem is that I get the following error when I access with Dartium (31.0.1612.0 Developer Build 219647). XMLHttpRequest cannot load No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header

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Dart Polymer application as component?

Issue The docs at state the following: We recommend creating a component for your “application” HTML page. Polymer believes that everything is a component. What exactly does this mean? Is the complete index HTML page a component that is

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Setting hardcoded value in bound attribute

Issue I have a component with a “label” attribute and since this label will not change, I want to specify it when I declare the component: <parking-list label=”PARKINGS” parkings=”{{parkings}}” on-showparking=”parkingList_showParkingHandler”></parking-list> <parking-list label=”SHOP AND GO” parkings=”{{shopAndGoParkings}}” on-showparking=”parkingList_showParkingHandler”></parking-list> The label value is

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