What is meant by 'Sort pub dependencies'?


I am trying to migrate a project into null safety mode,after migrating and clearing all the errors, I am getting this problem named ‘Sort pub dependencies.dart(sort_pub_dependencies)‘. I searched Google but couldn’t find any solution. Any help would really be appreciated 🙂


sort_pub_dependencies is a lint that comes from the Dart linter: https://dart-lang.github.io/linter/lints/sort_pub_dependencies.html

The lint is activated in the analysis_options.yaml file in your project.

  - sort_pub_dependencies

Basically, it is telling you to sort the name of the dependencies alphabetically in the pubspec.yaml

  archive:  # put archive before markdown

You can remove the line from analysis_options.yaml if you don’t want to enforce this rule.

Answered By – Xavier

Answer Checked By – Senaida (FlutterFixes Volunteer)

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