Unable to upload APK on play console getting (Upload a valid app bundle) issue – flutter


I am getting an error while uploading apk to play console for first time.
I have released 2 apps with same account and did not get any error, but this is the 3rd app and it is working fine on each mode (–release, –debug, –profile).
I am building apk in flutter using –dart-define using the following command

flutter build apk --release --split-per-abi --no-tree-shake-icons --dart-define=ID=1234 --dart-define=APP_NAME=test_app --dart-define=APP_SUFFIX=.test

below is issue screenshot
enter image description here


I was not aware of google is stop accepting APK’s for new app from august 2021 for reference please visit – reference

flutter build appbundle --no-tree-shake-icons --dart-define=ID=1234 --dart-define=APP_NAME=test_app --dart-define=APP_SUFFIX=.test

this worked for me

Answered By – Dhiroo Verma

Answer Checked By – Gilberto Lyons (FlutterFixes Admin)

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