The argument type 'SomeType?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'SomeType'


I get an error when trying to call a function:

The argument type ‘SomeType?’ can’t be assigned to the parameter type ‘SomeType’

How do I fix this?


The error indicates that you’re trying to pass a variable with a nullable type (SomeType?) as an argument to a function that expects a non-nullable argument (SomeType).

You must check that the variable is not null first. A nullable type by definition might have the value null. Passing that to a function that does not expect null obviously would be bad. Check first. For example:

import 'dart:math';

final random = Random();

class Foo {}

/// Randomly returns a [Foo] instance or `null`.
Foo? maybeGetFoo() => random.nextBool() ? Foo() : null;

void printFoo(Foo fooInstance) => print(fooInstance);

void main() {
  Foo? foo = maybeGetFoo();

  printFoo(foo); // ERROR: The argument type 'Foo?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Foo'

  if (foo != null) {
    printFoo(foo); // OK, `foo` is now provably known to be of type `Foo`.

By checking if the local foo variable is null, foo can be automatically type-promoted to a non-nullable type.

Note that automatic type-promotion can occur only for local variables. It will not work for non-local variables (such as global variables or member variables):

class Bar {
  Foo? foo;


  void printMember() {
    if (foo != null) {
      printFoo(foo); // ERROR

To fix this, you either must use an intermediate local variable (preferred):

  void printMember() {
    // Shadow with a local variable to allow automatic type promotion to occur.
    final foo =;
    if (foo != null) {
      printFoo(foo); // OK, `foo` is now provably known to be of type `Foo`.

or you must explicitly cast to a non-nullable type:

  void printMember() {
    if (foo != null) {
      printFoo(foo!); // Compiles.
      printFoo(foo as Foo); // Compiles.

Using an explicit cast (whether with ! or with as) usually should be a last resort. It’s important that you use it only if you already know for certain that the value is not null; if it is null, then ! and as will throw a TypeError at runtime and should crash your program. Also, for the same reason why non-local variables aren’t automatically type-promoted, using an explicit cast is not necessarily safe, although in practice it usually should be okay for non-pathological code.

Also note that there are some uncommon cases where even local variables might remain nullable even after being checked (e.g. the variable is reassigned after being checked). See

I also strongly recommend reading Dart’s Understanding null safety article.

Finally, this isn’t really specific to null-safety; conversion from a Foo? to Foo is just one form of downcast, and (except for the postfix ! operator), all of the above applies to downcasts in general. Automatic type promotion from a base type (such as from Object or dynamic) to a derived type also would occur only for local variables:

class Baz {
  Object maybeFoo;


void main() {
  var baz = Baz(Foo());
  if (baz.maybeFoo is Foo) {
    printFoo(baz.maybeFoo); // ERROR

    printFoo(baz.maybeFoo as Foo); // Compiles.

  final maybeFoo = baz.maybeFoo;
  if (maybeFoo is Foo) {
    printFoo(maybeFoo); // OK, `maybeFoo` is now provably known to be of type `Foo`.

Answered By – jamesdlin

Answer Checked By – Candace Johnson (FlutterFixes Volunteer)

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