Scroll element to bottom in dart


I’m trying to set up a scrollable div that automatically scrolls to the bottom when new content is added to it. I’ve tried these:

this.ele.scrollTop = this.ele.offsetHeight;

this.ele.scrollTop = this.ele.scrollHeight;

But the div remains blissfully stationary at the top. What am I doing wrong?


It is probably this bug you run into.

Workaround in the meantime is to set via dart:js (using repro from #9):

import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:js';

void main() {
  var ta = new TextAreaElement();
  ta.wrap = "off";
  ta.text = "abcde 01234 (1) abcde 01234 (2) abcde 01234 (3) abcde 01234 (4) "
      "abcde 01234 (5) abcde 01234 (6) abcde 01234 (7) abcde 01234 (8) ";
  new JsObject.fromBrowserObject(ta)['scrollLeft'] = '200';

Answered By – Günter Zöchbauer

Answer Checked By – Cary Denson (FlutterFixes Admin)

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