PhpStorm – Two Dart web apps in one project


I have a Dart project in PhpStorm and I have two web (Angular Dart) modules (or subprojects?)

I have a problem how to run/debug them as PhpStorm created very same JavaScript Debug configurations. When I had only one it worked well.

Directory structure is
~/Zdrojaky/src/dart/app/Vavrinec (the main project) with two subdirs Admin and Owner. Run/Debug conf is same for both.

Is it possible to Run/Debug two web Angular Dart (or JS) apps in one PhpStorm project? I would expect different port or directory in URL.

enter image description here.
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I found almost the same SO question by Vadim Tsushko How to serve several different directories in Angular Dart project? and his solution guided me. The (only?) solution is to have all Angular Dart modules in only one PhpStorm project. So I created a Client project and moved Admin and Owner as normal subdirectories to this. No .idea directories in Admin and Owner. The directory structure is ~/Zdrojaky/src/dart/app/Vavrinec (the main project) with Client subdir (subproject) with two subdirs Admin and Owner. The Run/Debug configs are then distinguished by the directories names and works as expected.

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enter image description here

Answered By – Martin Edlman

Answer Checked By – Mildred Charles (FlutterFixes Admin)

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