How to wrap a List of Widgets without changing the layout when unwrapped and spread in a Row?


Currently, the following structure gives me the intended layout:

  builder(context, state, child) => Row(
    children: [
      Widget1(...), // fixed width
      ...List.generate(state.length, (index) => Expanded(child: Widget2(index, state))),

Widget1 does not need to be hooked up to state, and so I don’t want it to be rerendered when it changes. It would be great if List.generate could be hooked to a Consumer, but builder needs to return a single Widget, not a list of Widgets.

I’ve tried using the Wrap widget around the list, and hooking that to a Consumer. This accomplishes my goal of not rerendering Widget1, but it changes the layout – the Widget2’s don’t expand to fill the remaining space any longer.


Here’s an example:

  children: [
    Widget1(...), // fixed width
       builder: (context, state, child) {
          return Expanded(
                   child: Row(
                     children: List.generate(
                       (index) {
                         return Expanded(
                           child: Widget2(index, state),

Answered By – intraector

Answer Checked By – Mildred Charles (FlutterFixes Admin)

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