how to implement grid layout in Angular Dart?


I am a java programmer studying dart and angulardart.

Does angulardart officially provide a grid layout style?

Or do I have to use a third party like bootstrap?

If I have to use a third party, what best fits your angular dart?

The Material Design specification has a grid system and I thought it was in angulardart.

But the official implementation does not seem to exist.


There is no official implementation of a grid layout style in angular-dart. So you’ll need to import your grid of choice.

If you are looking for a Material Design style it’s worth knowing there are a useful set of Material design components maintained by Google, but sadly no grid on there as yet – and not on the road map yet. See here:

See here for the current list of components:

I like the Zurb Foundation grid, which you can split out from the rest of foundtion and download as pure css – but that’s purely a personal choice based on using Foundation for years. Angular Dart is styled with css so you can use any css grid system you like.

Answered By – Simon Mason

Answer Checked By – Senaida (FlutterFixes Volunteer)

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