How to add multiple video players linked to firebase in flutter


I am trying to make a page of youtube,twitch and instagram videos. The urls are stored in a firebase collecton called videos as documents. Each document has the video name, url, type and a short description. I can retrieve all of these urls easily but now I want to convert them to videos. Does anyone have any idea how to do that? I tried to use the video_player plugin but it requires me to use controllers and as there are x number of videos, making a lot of controllers does not seem like the correct way to go.I know this maybe easy but I cannot get head around it. Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.


After much head scratching, I decided to leave this. Then I got a problem where I had to add a button to go to the channel and to store that data, I had to create a custom widget which could store it. Then it hit me I could do the same for videos. I’ll post the code when I make it(within a week). But just wanted to show that I got the answer

Answered By – Siddharth Agrawal

Answer Checked By – Jay B. (FlutterFixes Admin)

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