How should i use Dart Isolate unhandledExceptionCallback?


I’m trying to use Isolates in my Dart webapp but i can’t seem to make the error callback argument work.
I have a very basic code which is being run in Dartium.

import "dart:isolate";

void main() {
  spawnFunction(test, (IsolateUnhandledException e) {

void test() {
  throw "Ooops.";

I never see anything than “Main.” printed on the console. Am i doing something wrong or is this broken right now?


The error-callback will be executed in the new isolate. Therefore it cannot be a dynamic closure but needs to be a static function.

I haven’t tested it, but this should work:

import "dart:isolate";

bool errorHandler(IsolateUnhandledException e) {
  return true;

void test() {
  throw "Ooops.";

void main() {
  // Make sure the program doesn't terminate immediately by keeping a
  // ReceivePort open. It will never stop now, but at least you should
  // see the error in the other isolate now.
  var port = new ReceivePort();
  spawnFunction(test, errorHandler);

Note: In dart2js this feature is still unimplemented. Older versions just ignored the argument. Newer versions will throw with an UnimplementedError.

Answered By – Florian Loitsch

Answer Checked By – Marilyn (FlutterFixes Volunteer)

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