How do I get all the fields of an object (including its superclass), using Dart's Mirrors API?


Given two Dart classes like:

class A {
  String s;
  int i;
  bool b;

class B extends A {
  double d;

And given an instance of B:

var b = new B();

How do I get all the fields in the b instance, including fields from its superclass?


Use dart:mirrors!

import 'dart:mirrors';

class A {
  String s;
  int i;
  bool b;

class B extends A {
  double d;

main() {
  var b = new B();

  // reflect on the instance
  var instanceMirror = reflect(b);

  var type = instanceMirror.type;

  // type will be null for Object's superclass
  while (type != null) {
    // if you only care about public fields,
    // check if d.isPrivate != true
    print(type.declarations.values.where((d) => d is VariableMirror));
    type = type.superclass;

Answered By – Seth Ladd

Answer Checked By – Candace Johnson (FlutterFixes Volunteer)

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