Flutter Web Device Not Showing in Android Studio & VS Code


I am trying to develop a web app with flutter but my device is not showing there in IDE when i execute flutter devices

$ flutter devices
2 connected devices:

Chrome     • chrome     • web-javascript • Brave Browser unknown
Web Server • web-server • web-javascript • Flutter Tools

I could see two devices there but when i am using Andoid studio or vs code the browser is not showing up there
Thease are the screen shots from andoid studio and vs code
ScreenShot From VS Code
ScreenShot From Android Studio


The Issue is solved by setting the path variable globally in my Linux
by editing the file /etc/environment by running

sudo nano /etc/environment

and then adding the line


setting the CHROME_EXECUTABLE=<path-to-chrome-chromium-or-brave>
and restarting fixed my problem

Answered By – Rahul Raj

Answer Checked By – Robin (FlutterFixes Admin)

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