Flutter TextButton splashColor property


I was using FlatButton and passed the properties

      splashColor: Colors.transparent,
      highlightColor: Colors.transparent,
      child: ..., 

The documentation says that FlatButton will become obsolete, and to use TextButton instead, but it does not take splashColor or highlightColor properties

    splashColor: Colors.transparent,
    highlightColor: Colors.transparent,
    child: ...,       

does not work. it is not allowed

I also tried like this

  style: ButtonStyle(
    splashColor: Colors.transparent,
    highlightColor: Colors.transparent,
  child: ..., 

How can I do this? Thank you


Colors.transparent will deny any effects, simply it is transparent so it will appear as nothing happens… in ButtonStyle, it goes something like this with colors.

   overlayColor: MaterialStateColor.resolveWith((states) => Colors.red),

Answered By – dGoran

Answer Checked By – Marilyn (FlutterFixes Volunteer)

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