flutter plugin don't work well after fork in GitHub


I’m using a Flutter plugin called cell_info version 0.2.9 to this date, but I found a problem in the plugin so forked it from Github and fixed it and used git URL in pubspec.yaml like this:

      url: http://github.com/flycomm-tech/FlutterCellInfo.git

But something strange happened, in pubspec.lock the version changed from 0.2.9 to 0.1.8
and the plugin works well in debug mode and also profile mode but not release


I found my problem. the git that was connected to the plugin in dart pub was not the actual plugin who uploaded to the pub. so I copied the library plugin who installed locally in C:\flutter.pub-cache\hosted\pub.dartlang.org
and I fixed the bug there.

Answered By – david dagan

Answer Checked By – Clifford M. (FlutterFixes Volunteer)

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