Flutter duplicated files packages and dependencies


I took over a project from another developer i notice that there is too many files (.flutter-plugin)(.flutter-plugins-dependencies)(.packages)

How to fix that or if i deleted the numbered ones will cause any issues?

Screenshot below

enter image description here

enter image description here


Are you on Mac or Windows? I had the issue on my MacBook and realised that it was because I was syncing my Desktop and Documents folder to iClouds.

My flutter files were inside of Documents and they were syncing to iCloud every time I saved my code. Thats when I realised the file duplication.

You can disable syncing your Documents to iCloud with the guide here: https://appletoolbox.com/how-to-stop-icloud-syncing-desktop-folders/

Answered By – boonyongyang

Answer Checked By – Jay B. (FlutterFixes Admin)

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