flutter- Can I implemment BlocProvider in the app tree instead of implemmented in runApp?


I’m working in application, that do not use bloc as state management, and I want to add more feature, (the feature will use the bloc), when I try to run the App I got this Error:

╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ I/flutter
(17157): The following TransportLoading object was thrown building
TransportPage(dirty, state: I/flutter (17157):
_TransportPageState#daf04): I/flutter (17157): Instance of ‘TransportLoading’

TransportLoading is a state in the bloc.

this is the TransportBloc

class TransportBloc extends Bloc<TransportEvent, TransportState> {
  final StudentCircuitRepository  studentCircuitRepository ;
  TransportBloc({this.studentCircuitRepository}) ;

  TransportState get initialState => throw TransportLoading();

  Stream<TransportState> mapEventToState (
    TransportEvent event,
  ) async* {
    // TODO: implement mapEventToState
    List<StudentCircuitModel> student ;
      if(event is LoadingStudentCircuit){
        student = await studentCircuitRepository.fetchStudentCircuit(event.studentList);
      if(student.length == 0){
        yield TransportEmpty();
        yield TransportLoaded(studentCircuit: student);
    }catch (_) {
      yield TransportError();

this is page where I try to use TransportBloc

class TransportPageBloc extends StatefulWidget {
  final List<StudentUser> stdUser;
  _TransportBloxState createState() => _TransportBloxState();

class _TransportBloxState extends State<TransportPageBloc> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocProvider<TransportBloc>(
      create: (BuildContext context) => TransportBloc(),
      child: TransportPage(widget.stdUser),

class TransportPage extends StatefulWidget {
  final List<StudentUser> student;
  _TransportPageState createState() => _TransportPageState();

class _TransportPageState extends State<TransportPage> {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Liste des étudiants'),
          BlocBuilder<TransportBloc, TransportState>(bloc: TransportBloc(),builder: (context, state) {
        if (state is TransportLoading) {
          BlocProvider.of<TransportBloc>(context).add(LoadingStudentCircuit(studentList: widget.student));
          return _initialWidget();
        } else if (state is TransportLoaded) {
          return _listStudentCircuit(state.studentCircuit);
        } else if (state is TransportEmpty) {
          return _emptyTransport();
        } else if (state is TransportError) {
          return _errorWidget();
        return null;

Widget _initialWidget() {
  return Center(
    child: CircularProgressIndicator(),

Widget _listStudentCircuit(List<StudentCircuitModel> studentCircuit) {
  return ListView.separated(
      itemBuilder: (context, index) {
        return Container(
          child: Text(studentCircuit[index].eleve.name),
      separatorBuilder: (context, index) {
        return Divider(
          height: 5.0,
      itemCount: studentCircuit.length);

Widget _emptyTransport(){
  return Center(
    child: Text('Verifier que vous avez des enfant'),

Widget _errorWidget(){
  return Center(
    child: Text('this is the error page'),


You’re using throw to set your initial state, and that’s not what throw is for.

Replace this

  TransportState get initialState => throw TransportLoading();

With this, in your TransportBloc

TransportPageBloc() :  super(TransportLoading());

Answered By – Loren.A

Answer Checked By – Pedro (FlutterFixes Volunteer)

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