Firebase – How to access the deployed application


I have just deployed my flutter app to the Firebase. When I go to the Hosting section on the firebase, I do see domains listed as and However, when i open any of the links, instead of showing my application It takes me to this page which says –

Welcome Firebase Hosting Setup Complete 
You're seeing this because you've successfully setup Firebase Hosting. 
Now it's time to go build something extraordinary!


How can i access my app and not this message which pops up everytime?


Okay so it looks like when you run Firebase init command, It kinds of rewrites your index.html and hence that page. All I had to do was this :

  • Run firebase init.
  • Define directory to build/web
  • Run flutter build web (and not at the start of this procedure)
  • Run firebase deploy.

Answered By – Divyam Dhadwal

Answer Checked By – Jay B. (FlutterFixes Admin)

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