DropDownButton Does not show the option that I chose


I am using Flutter and are planning to make a dropdownbutton for user to select from. Upon selecting one of the option it will still shows the hint instead of the option that the user chose.

this is the code:

              isExpanded: true,
              items: <String>['student', 'driver'].map((String value) {
                return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
                  value: value,
                  child: new Text(value),
              hint: new Text ("Select a Role"),
              onChanged: (value) => _role = value,

Thank you in advance for helping.


you should like this

              isExpanded: true,
              items: <String>['student', 'driver'].map((String value) {
                return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
                  value: value,
                  child: new Text(value),
              hint: new Text ("Select a Role"),
              onChanged:  (value) => setState((){
                       _role = value

Answered By – Dali Hamza

Answer Checked By – Pedro (FlutterFixes Volunteer)

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