Dart Server Side: Where are the advantage of using Shelf rather than IO as a Web Server?


I want to use the RPC library to develop Dart server side Restful. In the library repository, it bring two exemples how to use (https://github.com/dart-lang/rpc-examples/tree/master/bin): Shelf and IO.

I would like to understand better the differences between Shelf and IO. Where are the advantage of using Shelf rather than IO as a Web Server?


Shelf is a modular framework for a server application. Shelf is built on top of dart:io. There are quite a few packages available for shelf (from the Dart team and 3rd-party) that make it quite easy to build complex server applications.
If you prefer to build your own solution use just dart:io directly.

Answered By – Günter Zöchbauer

Answer Checked By – Gilberto Lyons (FlutterFixes Admin)

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