Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml" in


I create a simple Web application but when I want to run it I got this message in "Tools Output":

Could not find a file named"pubspec.yaml"in"/home/reza/.pubcache/hosted/".

How can I fix this problem?

I use Ubuntu 14.04LTS 64bit and Dart Editor 1.7.2


This has happened to me several times:

What’s ultimately solved things for me (OS X) is deleting pub’s cache:

sudo rm -Rf /Users/<username>/.pub-cache

Also, delete the packages directory in your project’s root:

sudo rm -Rf .packages

Then pub get again in your project(s), but make sure that you are not operating as root (a whoami will tell you, and an exit will get you out of there).

Answered By – David Notik

Answer Checked By – Marie Seifert (FlutterFixes Admin)

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