Already using sqflite database for mobile App which is not supporting to WebApp,can i use different library for web App in same if yes than which lib


i am using sqflite library for database but it is supporting to IOS/Android app can i use to database for App existing one(Sqflite) and for webApp different in the same app if I can then how and which will be the best.Thanks


Yes. You can use a separate package for the web. Now, to check whether your app is running on web or not:

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show kIsWeb;

if (kIsWeb) {
  // running on the web!
} else {
  // NOT running on the web! You can check for additional platforms here.

If your use-case is just to store small values, you can use shared_preferences which is supported for both web and mobile.

You can also try hive which is supported for both.

Answered By – Abhishek Doshi

Answer Checked By – Candace Johnson (FlutterFixes Volunteer)

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