Parsing JSON in Dart

Issue I’m trying to parse JSON to an object in Dart, the documentation uses Map type to parse a JSON response. regarding to their documentation Using Dart with JSON Web Services: Parsing JSON ,I snipped the following example: import ‘dart:convert’;

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Jsoup – Missing content

Issue I’m executing the following code with JSoup Document parse = Jsoup.connect(“<MyCity>&sort=1&start=0”) .followRedirects(true) .ignoreContentType(true) .timeout(12000) .userAgent(“Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0”) .referrer(“”) .execute() .parse(); Elements elements =“.movie_results .movie”); but when I inspect elements, it clearly miss

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Parsing date crashes in Android 12

Issue I am using the following code to parse date to sort a list: Collections.sort(collaborationRoomModelList, new Comparator<CollaborationRoomModel>() { DateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzzz yyyy"); @Override public int compare(CollaborationRoomModel lhs, CollaborationRoomModel rhs) { try { return f.parse(rhs.getDate()).compareTo(f.parse(lhs.getDate()));

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