What's the difference between flutter_local_notifications and awesome_notifications?


What’s the difference between flutter_local_notifications and awesome_notifications packages for notification?

After reading through docs and repository I understood, that historically awesome_notifications had Push-notification feature built-in and no firebase_messaging was needed. But that raised issues as people used both awesome_notifications and firebase_messaging, which led to problems when used in conjunction.

So the author of awesome_notifications removed Push-notification and kept it local.

Which leads to a question: if awesome_notifications is now a plugin for local notifications, what does it have now that flutter_local_notifications doesn’t have?

So why would we need awesome_notifications plugin?


I’ve managed to reach the creator of awesome_notifications plugin and he answered on this question. To let others know here’s his answer:

The philosophy behind awesome and flutter_local are totally opposed.
Flutter_local just translates the native functions to Flutter, and
you’re going to need to do everything on your own. But there are some
things that you’re not able to do only using dart, and you’re going to
struggle with them, such as badge management, interception of
notification events, etc.

Awesome works by creating a middleware between native and flutter,
handling the native complexity as much as possible to let the
notification implementation in your app be as transparent as possible.
It’s not only about differences between Android and iOS, but also
between Android distributions.

And awesome_notifications has a lot more features than flutter_local
and covers a lot more services surrounding notifications, such as
schedules and badge management.

They are not the same; in fact, they are very different.

Answered By – Konstantin Kozirev

Answer Checked By – Gilberto Lyons (FlutterFixes Admin)

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