Dart: Wait for template to finish

Issue I have a HTML with some templates in it and a function which changes the template which is bound. The Function looks like this: void onHover(Event e, var detail, Node sender) { this.querySelector(‘#tempToBind’).setAttribute(“ref”, “Btn2”); this.querySelector(‘#Btn2’).onMouseLeave.listen((e) { this.querySelector(‘#tempToBind’).setAttribute(“ref”, “Btn1”); }

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How to set callback when <template if='…'> is finally instantiated into DOM in Dart Polymer

Issue I have element like that: <polymer-element name=”my-app”> <template> <template id=”page_template” if=”{{authenticated}}”> <my-page id=”page”></my-page> </template> </template> <script src=”…”></script> </polymer-element> I need to perform some initialization when template with id==”page_template” will be actually instanced into DOM. I’ve tried to make something

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How to set callback when <template if='…'> is finally instantiated into DOM in Dart Polymer

Issue I have element like that: <polymer-element name=”my-app”> <template> <template id=”page_template” if=”{{authenticated}}”> <my-page id=”page”></my-page> </template> </template> <script src=”…”></script> </polymer-element> I need to perform some initialization when template with id==”page_template” will be actually instanced into DOM. I’ve tried to make something

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Mustache Template usage in Dart

Issue Fairly recent to web programming and all apologies for asking a basic question. In the test.dart file, a template is created and populated as below import ‘dart:html’; // IMPORT MUSTACHE FOR TEMPLATES import ‘package:mustache/mustache.dart’ as mustache; function loadData() {

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