how to do suggestionCallback in typeahead flutter?

Issue i’m beginner in flutter, in my flutter project i used flutter_typeahead package but i did not able to execute this code. i did not get proper guidance from this documentation suggestionsCallback: (pattern) { return CitiesService.getSuggestions(pattern); } Solution The

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Flutter TypeAhead Issue

Issue I am trying to implement the Flutter Typeahead based on the following link: Flutter TypeAhead class _CallAddState extends State<CallAdd> { final GlobalKey<FormState> _formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>(); final TextEditingController _typeAheadController = TextEditingController(); var SerVerConfig = [ { “name”:”Mike”, “id”:”1″ }, {

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Flutter add to List<Widget> crashes beacuase of type issues

Issue I have an issue I don’t understand. Widget build(BuildContext context) { List<Widget> menuList = { return ExpansionTile( title: CustomExpansionTileHeader( icon: category.icon, label: category.label, ), children: category.children .map((item) => ListTile( title: Text(item.label), onTap: item.onTap, )) .toList()); }).toList(); print(menuList); menuList.insert(

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