Objectbox: ObjectBoxException 10101 remove failed


I am getting the above error while removing multiple box data in transaction. I need to know what is the reason for that and what can be done to avoid this. Thanks very much for the help.

Stack trace is mentioned below.

Non-fatal Exception: FlutterError 0 ???
0x0 ObjectBoxNativeError.throwMapped + 78 (helpers.dart:78) 1 ???
0x0 (null).throwLatestNativeError + 50 (helpers.dart:50) 2 ???
0x0 (null).checkObx + 17 (helpers.dart:17) 3 ???
0x0 Box.removeMany. + 329 (box.dart:329) 4 ???
0x0 (null).executeWithIdArray + 188 (helpers.dart:188) 5 ???
0x0 Box.removeMany + 328 (box.dart:328) 6 ???
0x0 BoxTransaction.deleteRouteDataonRouteRestoreFailure. + 135
(transaction.dart:135) 7 ??? 0x0
Store.runInTransaction. + 468 (store.dart:468) 8 ???
0x0 Store._runInTransaction + 643 (store.dart:643) 9 ???
0x0 Store.runInTransaction + 468 (store.dart:468) 10 ???
0x0 BoxTransaction.deleteRouteDataonRouteRestoreFailure + 134
(transaction.dart:134) 11 ??? 0x0
DeleteRouteData.deleteDataPastWindow + 189 (route_delete.dart:189) 12
??? 0x0
SplashScreenPresenter._deleteDataPastWindow + 322
(splash_screen_presenter.dart:322) 13 ???
0x0 SplashScreenPresenter.handleAppStart + 81

Reproducible code

store.runInTransaction(TxMode.write, () {

    .... 10 more tables



This error code (10101) indicates that the database is full.

As a temporary workaround, you can try to re-write your code to not wrap the remove calls in a transaction (or wrap less remove calls in the transaction). This will require less storage space, so it may succeed with the remaining space in the database.

.... 10 more tables

Answered By – Uwe – ObjectBox

Answer Checked By – Pedro (FlutterFixes Volunteer)

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