Network Image Does Not Display Correct Image


I’m using NetowrkImage to display images from a URL, that does not include an image extension. I have also tried using but it gives a similar result.

File Server Behaviour

My server sends a placeholder image in response if the requested image is not available, and I am getting the placeholder image with the correct URL for the image.


When I open the URL in the browser it opens the correct image, and when I add an extension .jpeg to the end of URL, it displays the placeholder image in the browser.


Does NetworkImage add an extension to the source URL?

         fit: BoxFit.contain,

I’m struggling to make it work.


As I stated in the question, the server responds with a placeholder image, if the request cannot be authenticated, that means the sessoin_id is not provided in the request header.

NetworkImage takes a parameter headers, and the custom HTTP interceptors won’t work becuase this widget is making its own HTTP request, so the session_id has to be provided there.
          headers: { */ Auth Params have to be added here*/ },
          fit: BoxFit.contain,

If you are using Interceptors and do not want to pass headers separately to NetworkImage, you should use Image.memory widget and wrap it inside a FutureBuilder.
Create a future that calls the image URL and returns Uint8List.

      future: requestImageBytes,
      builder: (context, asyncSnapshot) {
            if (asyncSnapshot.connectionState ==
                         ConnectionState.waiting) {
                return Center(
                          child: CircularProgressIndicator();
                return Image.memory(
                         fit: BoxFit.contain,

See this GitHub issue .

Answered By – ASAD HAMEED

Answer Checked By – Marie Seifert (FlutterFixes Admin)

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