How to implement figma's smart animate option in flutter?


I designed three onboarding pages in figma which contains information about my app, while wireframing the app, I added smart animate to the three pagesThis is the first onboarding page
The second one
The third one

The smart animate enables smooth transition from each page to each page

While using flutter, I created 3 different pages for each onboarding pages and added a navigation widget to each button
But the navigation from each page to each page was stacked
I also tried using gesturedetection() onhorizontalswipe still same result
The pages navigate in a stacked way totally different from figma’s smart animate option.

Is there anyway I can do this?

I’ll appreciate any help
Thanks in advance.


From what I understood,

You want to build an onboarding screen with some animation. But the pages are being stacked.

It is happening because you are navigating to different pages with each button press. That is very bad practice for building an onboarding screen.

You should be using a PageView widget that allows you to transit between pages without navigating to them.

If you want to use a plugin that suits you, I would recommend introduction_screen

Answered By – Suz Zan

Answer Checked By – Timothy Miller (FlutterFixes Admin)

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