Angular2 dart Property binding not updating

Issue Hello Dart and Angular Folks, following Problem: I have the following template part in my app_component.html, which is the template of my app_component.dart custom component. <!– monitoring active breakpoints–> <jb-responsive-breakpoints [breakpoints]=”breakpoints” [(activeBreakpoints)]=”activeBreakpoints”> </jb-responsive-breakpoints> <!– using list of active breakpoints

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Paper-textarea Is Readonly in AngularDart Component

Issue I got a paper-dialog to work fine with paper-input in an AngualrDart component. When I tried a paper-textarea, it is read only. Here is a working paper-input and the read-only paper-textarea: <paper-input #artistInputDeath type=”text” ngDefaultControl [(ngModel)]=”death_year” ngControl=”artistInputDeath” label=”Death Year”

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